Understanding Disposaphobia (AKA The Fear Of Throwing Things Away)
Even if you spend only a few short minutes scrolling on Instagram or Facebook, you will see many images of professional organizers talking about decluttering. There are also gorgeous photos featuring views of minimally decorated homes. While decluttering and minimalism are often praised as the keys to a peaceful and organized life, there is also a lesser-known but significant challenge: disposaphobia. Disposaphobia is the fear of throwing things away, even items that may seem insignificant or useless to others. This phobia can have a profound impact on an individual’s daily life, relationships, and mental well-being.
The Nature of Disposaphobia
Disposaphobia, also known as disposophobia or hoarding disorder, goes beyond mere reluctance or sentimentality attached to possessions. It is an anxiety disorder characterized by an overwhelming fear of discarding items, leading to excessive accumulation and clutter. People with disposaphobia often experience distress at the thought of parting with their possessions, regardless of their practical value. Since I am a certified professional organizer in chronic disorganization and not a therapist, I work with people challenged by disposaphobia (or hoarding) as it relates to the things they keep. The person with this challenge and I work together to reduce the number of things they keep and to create better functionality in their home.
Causes and Triggers
Like many phobias, disposaphobia can stem from various factors. Below are some of the factors which may contribute to this challenging disorder. If I am contacted by a therapist to work with someone with disposophobia, they will (with their patient’s permission) share one or more of these underlying causes or triggers.
Traumatic Events
Past experiences such as loss, deprivation, or significant life changes can trigger disposaphobia. For example, someone who grew up in poverty may develop a fear of discarding items due to a fear of scarcity. Like those who lived through the Great Depression.
Anxiety and Control
Disposaphobia may show up as a coping mechanism for anxiety or a need for control. The act of holding onto objects provides a sense of security and comfort for some individuals.
Perfectionists may struggle with disposaphobia as they fear making the wrong decision about what to keep or discard. The fear of regretting a disposal decision can be paralyzing. The person can spend countless hours reviewing the pros and cons before arriving at a decision. Even then, they may not be willing to commit to it.
Attachment and Sentimentality
Emotional attachment to possessions, even those with little practical value, can contribute to disposaphobia. Each item may hold memories or emotional significance, making it challenging to let go.
Effects on Daily Life
Disposaphobia can significantly impact an individual’s daily life in several ways:
Clutter and Disorganization
Accumulated items can clutter living spaces, making it difficult to navigate or find essential items. This clutter can lead to stress and a sense of overwhelm. The person may have trouble getting places on time because they temporarily ‘lost’ something in one of the piles around their home.
Social and Interpersonal Challenges
Disposaphobia can strain relationships, as family members or roommates may struggle to understand or accommodate the excessive clutter. They are often fearful of letting people into their homes because they are embarrassed by the way it looks. This fear may even extend to repairmen.
Financial Burden
Hoarding can lead to financial strain, as individuals may continue to acquire items they don’t need or use, leading to wasted money and space. People also waste money on buying things they know they already own but can’t find because of the disorganization.
Health and Safety Risks
Extreme cases of disposaphobia can pose health and safety risks, such as fire hazards, pest infestations, and unsanitary living conditions. Elderly people are prone to falls and may become trapped in an overfull home.
Coping Strategies and Treatment
Overcoming disposaphobia often requires professional intervention and a combination of therapeutic approaches. As a professional organizer, I do not provide therapy. I have, however, worked with therapists as they provide treatment for the person in their office, and I provide the organizational strategies in the home.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT helps individuals identify and challenge irrational beliefs and behaviors related to hoarding. It aims to change thought patterns and develop healthier coping strategies.
Exposure Therapy
Gradual exposure to discarding items can help desensitize individuals to the anxiety associated with letting go. Therapists work with clients to practice decision-making and decluttering in a controlled environment.
Support Groups
Joining a virtual organizing support group and/or working with professional organizers who specialize in hoarding disorder (like me) can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the recovery process.
Disposaphobia is a complex and challenging anxiety disorder that requires understanding, patience, and specialized treatment. By addressing the underlying causes and learning healthy coping strategies, individuals with disposaphobia can regain control over their possessions and improve their quality of life. It’s essential to approach disposaphobia with compassion and empathy, recognizing that overcoming this fear is a journey that takes time and effort.
If this is you, please contact me to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation. Send me an email to schedule this free call. DNQSOLUTIONS@GMAIL.COM
Diane N. Quintana is an ICD Master Trainer, Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization, Certified Professional Organizer, owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release Repurpose Reorganize LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. She specializes in residential and home-office organizing and in working with people challenged by ADHD, Hoarding and chronic disorganization.