Beyond the Chaos: Navigating Clutter through the Virtual Support Group
When you think about a clutter support group what image comes to your mind? I had a conversation with a friend about this the other day. She told me that she pictures a meeting run similarly to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. I’ve never been to an AA meeting, so I don’t have firsthand experience. What I do know is that those meetings are non-judgmental, and the participants are encouraged to speak freely. Clutter support groups are also non-judgmental, and participants are encouraged to share their thoughts. Because there are many questions about clutter support groups, I am going to address them. This blog is the first in a series of three posts talking about virtual clutter support groups.
What is a virtual clutter support group?
First, clutter support groups used to meet in person, and some may still do that. Most clutter support groups, however, meet virtually because it is so easy. There’s no travel involved, and the participant can be on camera or off. A virtual clutter support group is a group that meets to talk about clutter. The group is usually facilitated or run by either a Therapist, Certified Coach, or a Certified Professional Organizer. If you’re looking for a clutter support group to join one of the first things to look at is the person (or people) running the group. Typically, a participant in the group will ask questions which pertain to the clutter in their life.
Do all virtual clutter support groups operate in a similar fashion?
I run a virtual clutter support group with my friend and colleague, Jonda Beattie. Our group is called Clear Space for You because we believe that a person’s home needs to have space for them to live the life they envision for themselves. Of course, I know how our group is run but I didn’t know if other virtual clutter support groups are run similarly. So, I reached out to some of my colleagues. The answer to the question is that all our groups have similarities and differences. This is terrific news because that allows you to select the virtual clutter support model that works best for you.
An overview of 4 virtual clutter support groups
1. Clear Space for You
meets virtually once a week for 4 weeks. The meetings are 1 hour long. New sessions start at the beginning of each month. This virtual clutter support group is led by 2 professional organizers, Diane Quintana and Jonda Beattie. The group is limited to 4 people, which allows Diane and Jonda to provide personalized solutions. Each person brings their own project to the group. At the end of each weekly session, Jonda creates a digest of the decisions each participant makes during the session as well as the next steps the person intends to take.
Diane N Quintana ICD® Master Trainer, CPO-CD®, CPO® and Jonda S. Beattie M.Ed
2. My DeClutter support Group
is limited to 6 people. Each meeting is 1.5 hours once a month. Folks commit and pay for 6 months at a time. A few days before the meeting, the facilitator, Alice Price, sends a link to an article. It can be anything from an article about gratitude, to better sleep, to procrastination, to using timers. Each meeting starts with a RTR (round-the-room) of success from the month, then a RTR about the article, then a RTR on goals/intentions for the month.
Alice Price ICD® Master Trainer, CPO-CD® COC® CVPO™
Professional Organizer and Coach
Organize Long Island, Inc.
3. The Declutter/Clutter Support Group Classes
are a 4-week course that will give you the tools you need, help you gain insight about your situation, and let you know that you are not alone. You will work on a small decluttering project throughout the 4-week class. Vickie Dellaquila, ICD Master Trainer, CPO-CD will lead this group in a confidential, non-judgmental, supportive manner and with gentle accountability. Classes are delivered via zoom and class size is limited. You can move forward in your life!
Vickie Dellaquila, ICD® Master Trainer, CPO-CD®, CVPO TM, CPO®
4. Weekly online groups with Alison Lush
People who join my weekly online groups share the same goal: getting unstuck with #gentleaccountability.
We focus on the individual, week to week.
What do they need and want to address? What resources do they currently have? What insights have they uncovered? What skills or habits would they like to develop?
Four services available: One-on-one Virtual Sessions, monthly Accountability Groups (max 6 participants), private online forum for peer support, and 40+ hours of Body Doubling every month.
This model is created to be sustainable over many months, offering a supportive learning space with maximum emphasis on personal choice and changing needs.
Alison Lush, ICD® Master Trainer, CPO-CD®, CPO®, PPCC
Certified Virtual Organizing Professional
In Conclusion:
These four different virtual clutter support groups are different in some ways and similar in other ways. They are all facilitated by certified professional organizers and offer a safe non-judgmental space for participants to gain control over their clutter. All these groups offer accountability which is hugely important. The differences are in the length and frequency of the session.
If clutter in your home is preventing you from moving forward towards your goals and you’re considering joining a clutter support group you now have some good options. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about how clutter support groups work. We can talk through the options and find a group that will be a good fit for you. My blog next week will focus on the reasons people join a clutter support group.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer® ,a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia.