7 Steps To Make Your Plan A Reality
Do you have a plan for something that you want to do or make? Is this a plan that is floating around in your head? Often, I hear clients say something like, “Someday I want to organize this room and turn it into my office.” Or “it would be great to clean out the garage so that my car can fit inside.” You can replace this wishful thinking with thoughts of your own. If you have a someday plan or idea like these pretend clients, I have a solution for you. There are 7steps you to make your plan a reality.
Step 1: Name the end result
Have a concrete idea of what you want to accomplish. Create a vision board showing how you want it to look. You can do this by cutting pictures out of magazines or by creating a virtual vision board on Pinterest. In addition to knowing what you want to accomplish and how it will look, put into words how it will make you feel when you get this project done.
Step 2: List all the things you need to do to make your plan happen
Next get out a piece of paper or sit down at your computer and make a list (in no apparent order) of all the things you need to do to take this project through to the end result.
Step 3: Order the list
Now, think sequentially but start at the end. What is the very last thing you will do before declaring this project done? Then, what is the step that comes before that and so on.
Often, one step hinges upon the completion of the step before. Go into great detail here. Write down even the smallest tasks.
Step 4: Buy supplies and/or find help
Do you have all the supplies on hand to complete the project? The follow up question to this is: do you have the skills necessary to complete the project? If you need an extra pair of hands to work on the project, enlist that help. Perhaps you need to find someone with a certain expertise to complete part of the project. Find the help you need before getting started so that you can keep the momentum going.
Step 5: Schedule the steps
As you list the steps to take think about how much time each step will take to complete. You may consider breaking the steps down even further so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. For instance, instead of emptying the entire garage in one day you can decide to empty one wall of the garage in an hour or two.
Next, schedule each step in your calendar. Consider how much time you have available and allow some flex space in case something more important crops up in your day.
Step 6: Find an accountability partner
Enlist an accountability partner to help you keep your project moving forward. Tell that person what your plan is for the day or the week as it applies to the project. Then give your partner updates.
Step 7: Celebrate each win
Celebrate and reward yourself every time you complete a step. Save a big reward for yourself when you finish the entire project.
In conclusion:
Follow these 7 steps and make your plan a reality.
1. Name the end result.
2. List all the things you need to do to make your plan happen
3. Order the list
4. Buy supplies and/or find help
5. Schedule the steps
6. Find an accountability partner
7. Celebrate each win
In Conclusion:
Many people have wonderful plans in their heads but when it comes right down to it, they don’t know how to start or what to do to finish the plan. Thinking up the plan is just the beginning. If you want to make your plan a reality you have to work the plan. When you have a concrete end result and a vision of how you want the project to look and feel it is much easier to finish the project. And, if you have a significant reward in sight — something to work for — that is even better.
If you have a plan in mind and are looking for an accountability partner, consider joining the Clear Space for You virtual clutter support group I run with Jonda Beattie.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer® ,a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact Diane for a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation.